Newsletter – 11/16/23

Making a Joyful Noise

Did you know that the Bible has its own song book? Yes, it’s true. The book of Psalms is chock-full of beautiful songs that were meant to be sung. Now, I know what many of you may be thinking, “But I can’t carry a tune to save my life!” Fear not, my friends. As long as you can make a joyful noise (Ps 100:1), you’re good to go. If you’re feeling a little unsure about those Sunday morning hymns, we’ve got you covered. Check out our Spotify Playlist with all the songs for next Sunday. Jam out in the car, in the shower, or while doing the dishes. Who knows, you may even find your new favorite worship song!

From the Desk of Pastor Tom

You are a redeemed follower of Christ growing in the grace of God. Your love for each other is on display because of the hope stored up for us in heaven. However, do not be distracted from the primacy of Christ. We are called out of a wandering or coasting life into a life of continual growth in the knowledge and wisdom of God. Your citizenship is as one in the kingdom of the light of Jesus Christ. Christ came to redeem and transform sinners into worshippers. Enemies into friends and rebels into partners.
This letter to the Christians of this church was written to push back against a false cultural narrative, the distractions of Colossae were diverting the church. It was written to remind these believers what the normal Christian life is intended to look like.
A few weeks ago I asked a simple question at the end of the message. I asked if you are experiencing the transforming power of God in your life? If you have not or are not experiencing God’s transforming power it is for one of two reasons. First, it may be that you have not recognized as sovereign creator and God sent to save you from sin and death. You have not repented of your rebellion and accepted his offer of forgiveness. Secondly, it may be that there was a time you placed your trust in Christ, but you have become distracted from Christ. You said you would obey and follow Christ but instead you have lived without God in the picture. Well…apart from some time in church and perhaps cracking open a bible every once in a while.
If you do not see yourself in either of those two groups then I thank God for you and call us all to be reminded of the beauty and splendor of the Savior we worship this and every other day of our lives. Christ is calling you to be counter-cultural in your holiness, to be living out the goodness of God, to be thankful for His good gifts, to be alive with love of God and others.
If anyone ever asks you why you are a Christian, I hope you tell them it is because of Jesus. If someone ever asks you what Sunday worship is all about, I hope that you tell them it is about Jesus. If someone were to ever ask you what the goal of this church is, I hope that you can say it is Jesus. That we desire to know Him and make Him known. If you were to be asked what you want most from life, I pray that you will say you want Jesus to be evident in your life.
This is not a call to superficial externalism. Where we pretend to always to happy and perfect. Rather this is a fuller call to transparent and joyful praise from hearts and lives in the midst of transformation. The Good News of Jesus allows us to acknowledge our sinfulness in the presence of a merciful Savior. We are not perfect but we are bought with the infinite sacrifice of God and we are growing into beautiful representatives of Him every day and in every way.
So how does this happen? Christ overwhelms with his beauty, magnificence, holiness, truth, grace, wisdom, power, and love.

Need Help Sharing the Good News?

Hey, do you love sharing the Good News but sometimes feel like you need a little extra help? Have no fear, we have got you covered! We are super excited to announce that we have a brand new set of Tracks available in our foyer that are sure to make sharing the Good News a breeze. These Tracks clearly explain the Gospel and will give you the confidence you need to spread the word far and wide. So, stop by and check them out. Who knows, you might just find your new favorite way to share the Good News!

Watch It Again

Sunday Worship – Ricky Horton
Running Like the Witnesses

Sunday Bible Study – Chip Edwards
Why Dispensationalism Matters
Dispensationalism Compared to Covenant Theology – Lesson 8 (pt2)

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