Mother’s Day
Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day and mothers will receive a free gift. The booklet, Meditations on God’s Character, has 31 daily meditations on the character of God. Scripture is filled with passages that tell us who God is and how much He loves His people. This booklet will enable you to think about and consider all the truths regarding God’s character.
Mark Your Calendar
On May 19th we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper
On May 26th from 5-6p will have a Singspiration Service. Put your favorite song choices on the sign-up sheet located in the lobby.
Have You Seen?
Each week, pastor releases a few short videos (under 1 minute). You can find them all at:
Did you know YouTube recommends popular videos? Three things make videos popular: 1) You watch a video all the way through (and bonus if you watch more). 2) You like or comment on a video. 3) You subscribe to the channel. In the last 28 days, we’ve reached over 2,000 unique visitors who have watched 33 hours of our YouTube videos and we currently have 107 subscribers to our YouTube channel. If you aren’t already subscribed, we’d love to have you subscribe using the “subscribe” button on our YouTube channel. Not only will this help you see the pastor’s short videos, but it will help others see them too.
From the Desk of Pastor Tom
The cleansing wave of the Gospel washed over the region of Samaria and Philip was riding the crest of this wave as he proclaimed the Gospel in village after village. Yet, God works through individual relationships as often as He does through large gatherings. The angel came and told Philip to leave and travel to the middle of nowhere. Extensive persecution of Christians combined with other threats of travel (robbers and hazardous trails) made this a potentially long and dangerous journey to the other end of Israel. Going to the desert may not have sounded that exciting. The expected and understated description Philip “went” underscores the expected response from a follower of Christ. Obedience to God should be a response which needs little explanation.
The Holy Spirit obviously knows the spiritual needs of the lone man Philip meets next and has brought Philip to speak of Christ. With a simple question and a sincere response we have the beginning of an evangelistic Bible study. People have an innate desire for something bigger and greater than themselves. We need God. This man desires to know God but doesn’t understand and is glad to hear from someone who can help show the way, the truth, and the life. Will you be part of this gospel wave?
If you want some more help on how to share your faith, our connect groups are currently working through some helps for this witness. Make sure to get connected to one of those groups!