Newsletter – 05/02/24

Mother’s Day

May 12th we will celebrate Mother’s Day. In the morning service, we will give a free gift to all mother’s attending. The booklet, Meditations on God’s Character, has 31 daily meditations on the character of God. Scripture is filled with passages that tell us who God is and how much He loves His people. This booklet will enable you to think about and consider all the truths regarding God’s character.

Mark Your Calendar

On May 26th from 5-6p will have a Singspiration Service. Put your favorite song choices on the sign-up sheet located in the lobby.

Have You Seen?

Pastor provided two 1-minute videos discussing the recent unrest. If you haven’t seen them, take a couple of minutes to watch.

From the Desk of Pastor Tom

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, or I’m sure you’ve heard of what’s going on in the Middle East. It’s moving closer to home, and you have probably heard some of what’s happening on college campuses, or maybe even in some of your own conversations, as some of this chaos, some of the unrest moves closer. As followers of Christ, I want to bring us back to what we know to be true about God. First, we know that God is the ultimate judge. That removes the pressure from us. The anxiety and the stress can be lessened because, in God’s sovereign control, He has all things under His rule. But also this week, let me encourage you to patiently speak truth as we love God and serve others. Don’t get caught up in the uproar and become part of the issue rather than a Christ-like influence. God tells believers that we need to speak biblical truth. And our God truly is the God of justice. He desires us to work for justice. And so as a Christian, I appreciate that our culture is working for what they view to be justice. Yet, we must understand fundamentally that our only hope of change only comes through the transforming work of Jesus Christ. The good news that transformed you, you must carry it and share that good news with others so Christ can work in them. Let’s respond with prayerful truth that is filled with the patient love and grace that can only come from our Savior.

Watch It Again

Pastor Tom
Chip Edwards
Galatians – Lesson 7c – From Servant to Son