Mark Your Calendar
- Saturday – Men’s Breakfast – join us at 8:30 am in the gym (and bring a friend).
- Sunday – Family Picture Day 3; Be sure to wear your best outfit 🙂
- Sunday – College Care Packages – last opportunity to bring donations
- Jun 9-13 – Creative Arts Camp
- October 17-18 – Marriage Retreat
Call for a Jr Church Teacher
We would like to include another teacher in the Junior Church class teaching rotation. If you are willing to help, would like to see what’s involved, or just need more information, see Sarah Wiggs for details.
Creative Arts Camp Signup
- We need more volunteers for the creative arts camp this summer. If you are willing to help in an art discipline, can support a teacher, can help set up or teardown, can serve snacks, or want more information, please let Pastor Tom or one of the deacons know.
- If you would be willing to help coordinate and be part of the team helping organize this outreach event, please let us know! If you’re not sure, but you’re curious, please let us know!
Bathroom Remodel Project
We need to remodel the bathrooms in our education building and we need someone willing to coordinate the project (help the deacons get information, get quotes from contractors, etc). If you have a skill in coordination or research, please see the Pastor or Deacons to see how you can help with this important project.
Special Missions Project
We are excited that we can pray and give towards God’s Gospel Work here and around the world. Please remember to pray for our missionaries! One of our missionaries, Alejandro Sanchez (Spain) needs funds to move to a larger building. You can read their update letter here: Just so you know, we are sending $1000 from our missions fund as a special gift above our monthly support. Continuing praying for and watching what God is doing through the Gospel globally and locally – right around you here in NC!
Nursery Schedule
2/2 – Lisa Giles, Gerri Lawrence
2/9 – Haley Nosker, Leena & Charlotte Cha
From the Desk of Pastor Tom
I read a short article this morning and found it very helpful. The article suggested ways to “Deepen Fellowship” as you talk with another Christian. You can find the original page here: (
Asking thoughtful questions might be one of the most simple yet powerful ways to cultivate deeper fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ. A timely question from a believer who listens well and genuinely cares can open the door for greater understanding, richer conversation, and more meaningful friendships. If we want to move beyond surface-level relationships, we need to take the initiative to ask questions with love and intention.
I’ve found that asking questions is excellent for discipleship or small group settings. Here are a few questions that you can use to help deepen your relationships with other believers.
- How’s your walk with the Lord? What are you encouraged about or struggling with?
- How has the Lord been at work in your life recently? How can I encourage or pray for you more specifically?
- I’d love to hear about your time in God’s Word. What are you reading? What are you learning? Are there any verses, promises, or truths that you’ve been meditating on?
- Tell me about your prayer life. What are you praying about? How have you seen the Lord answering your prayers? Is there anything in your life that you’d like me to pray about?
- Are there unbelievers in your life that you’re especially burdened about or praying for? How can I pray for them? What opportunities has the Lord given you to share Christ with them?
- What sins have you been struggling with? What temptations are you facing right now? What are some of your biggest struggles or trials?
- How have you grown spiritually over the last few months? Where do you need to grow? How can I encourage you as you seek to grow?
If you find these suggestions helpful or would like to discuss them further, please reach out to me. I’d love to help you build deeper relationships with those around you!